Wednesday 15 May 2013


I never intended this Blog to be constant updates on prevailing weather conditions. But the extraordinary spring weather we are currently experiencing is having a major impact on the course conditions. 
As you may be aware, temperatures are still stuck in single figures combined with high winds further dropping the temperature. Spring conditions seem a good way off, with many trees still not in leaf.,
This is causing the turf on the greens to lay dormant, with little growth to aid surface recovery. We have already applied twice the level of Nitrogen to the greens, compared to this time last year, hoping this would push them on. Further applications will only weaken the turf and cause long term damage to the plant.
 Our maintenance programme of rolling, top-dressing and verti-cutting is helping the surfaces, but nothing can replace some natural growth. As previously stated, irrigation water further cools the soil so can never be the answer in these conditions.
Fingers crossed for some warmer weather, as everything else is in place.

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